Academic Lovebirds contest, job search

I just received the following email from “Inside Higher Ed”: which I thought SM readers might be interested in (disclosure: I write occasionally for IHE). Happy Valentine’s day!

Tens of thousands of academic couples are searching for jobs in the same city. Now Inside Higher Ed introduces “Dual Career Search”:
— a way for couples to conduct joint job searches.

To celebrate the launch of Dual Career Search, Inside Higher Ed is sponsoring the “Commuting for Love” contest. Readers are invited to submit stories of their challenging academic commutes — 1,000 words or less. We’ll post the best stories on Inside Higher Ed, and pick one couple to win one round-trip airfare between any two U.S. cities (up to $500).

To show a little more love, Inside Higher Ed will send a box of chocolates to the first five academic couples who report that they found jobs in the same city using the Dual Career Search.

Send stories about your commutes (and news of jobs found) by March 14 to Kathlene Collins.

With hundreds of thousands of informed, diverse readers on Inside Higher Ed each month — many of them daily — Inside Higher Ed has become the top source for news of academe in just two years of publication. With 3,000 academic jobs at institutions all over the country, and with the new Dual Career Search, Inside Higher Ed is the place to find a job as a professor, dean, admissions official or president and to find a job for your partner. Inside Higher Ed’s readers may be on their own in finding love — but they are no longer on their own in finding jobs together.


Alex Golub is an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. His book Leviathans at The Gold Mine has been published by Duke University Press. You can contact him at

7 thoughts on “Academic Lovebirds contest, job search

  1. Could it be that to anyone unaffiliated with Stanford and uninterested in the esoteric, internicine politics of the still rather small tribe of anthropologists, the Stanford story is scan and skip? While, yes, tens of thousands of academic couples are (or have been) affected by the difficulty of finding jobs for both partners that are (a) good jobs for both partners and (b) close enough to allow them to live together? Not to mention tens of thousands more non-academic couples, in which both partners are seeking success in professional careers? Which any decent editor will tell you makes this story news?

  2. So everything comes together (a quote from the comments on the Stanford newspaper article, about a UChicago professor going to Stanford):

    “In addition, it is interesting to note that Tanya Luhrmann, the new faculty mentioned in the article, is the spouse of Stanford’s new dean of H&S.”

  3. Hypothesis: The criterion for academic stardom is whether the university that wants to hire you will hire your partner, too, in order to get you.

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