Comment moderation

For the next month or so I’ll be moderating comments on SM while Kerim is off doing other things in ‘real life’. We get lots of comments and lots of comment spam, so having someone with more time on their hands to deal with this should alleviate any problems y’all might have noticed. However I do want to say a few quick things about comments:

First, I live in the middle of the Pacific, so most of my moderating will occur during what is ‘late night’ for the mainland. Please keep this in mind and be patient. Thanks.

Second, if your comments do not immediately appear on the site, please do not post them again. Multiple postings of nearly-identical comments is one of the criteria that our spam filter uses to judge spam. Therefore reposting will almost definitely result in your comments being sucked off into a black void from whence they will never return. If you think you have something REALLY important to say that is not getting said quick enough, you can email me to let me know there is a problem. Please don’t tell the filter, or ‘test’ it or anything like that. It will just learn to like you less and less.

In sum, I’ll be tweaking the settings on the filter over the next few days to try to minimize shemale phentermine Teaxas Hold ‘Em comments and maximize disagreement about the relevance of biology for understanding human social life. Please bear with me. Thanks for reading and commenting.


Alex Golub is an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. His book Leviathans at The Gold Mine has been published by Duke University Press. You can contact him at

9 thoughts on “Comment moderation

  1. So if a SM author wants to write about shemale phentermine you’re saying that we can’t comment on it because of the filter? On behalf of all readers/commenters, we will resist! Fight the machine!

  2. Will; considering at least one SM author (who shall remain nameless) just spent 20 minutes on Google trying to figure out what MTF transsexuals, a weight loss drug and poker had to do with each other, the chances of one of us writing about the topic has just decreased slightly. But I still think you should keep an eye out for Rex . . . who knows what he’s capable of 😉

  3. I’ve tweaked the ‘snowball’ setting on the spam filter. You should now be able to leave more comments consecutively before the spam filter distrusts you.

  4. HI Rex,

    I just posted under my own name by accident rather than my pseudonym, and got caught as a spammer. But I’ll try a bit of that “patience” elixir you’ve been promoting…

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