Around the Web Digest: Week of July 20

The anthroblogosphere is still a pretty quiet this week, but some (like Merrill Singer and Agustín Fuentes) have seemingly picked up some of the slack. Definitely give their articles a read, as they have some pretty important messages to impart. If you have an important messages to impart, preferably in the form of blogs or news articles, send them my way for next week’s digest at or on Twitter at @dtpowis.

Right this way.

By anthropologists: 

Celia Emmelhainz has invited her readers to learn more about an understudied group, the Nairarbi and their mysterious form of learning, the Diiwi code. (PopAnth)

Julienne Rutherford, Kate Clancy, Robin Nelson, and Katie Hinde talk about the findings of the #SAFE13 article and why it’s important to have this discussion for the futures of women in science. (HuffPo)

Agustín Fuentes busted the myth that men are “naturally” given to sexual harassment and assault. (Psychology Today)

Rex wrote a thought on ethics in anthropology, how far we’ve come, and why we should better understand (and face) our past in order to move forward. (Savage Minds)

Merrill Singer explores the concept of social murder in the context of climate change and the people of the Maldives. (Anthropology News)

Jenna Lopez shared the experience of pregnancy, motherhood, and taking her children into the field. (Allegra Lab)

Felix Girke had a conversation with Patrick Laviolette about the history and growth of anthropology in Estonia. (Allegra Lab)

Kristina Killgrove calculated calcanei to figure out the average Roman shoe size, and came up with a pretty cool MA project for an interested student. (Powered by Osteons)

To continue the thread that monsters in popular culture are representative of contemporaneous social fears, Emma Louise Backe returns with a piece wholly devoted to witches, what they mean, and who they threaten. (The Geek Anthropologist)

Michael E. Smith wrote about what he learned this summer from his “ups and downs in publishing.” (Publishing Archaeology)

Sarah Kendzior discussed the violence inflicted when Detroit’s poor are denied a basic human right – access to water. (Al Jazeera)

Guest blogger Bree Blakeman has written on the ways in which the Yolŋu think of blame and responsibility. (Savage Minds: Part One & Part Two)

About anthropology/ists:

Thomas Piketty and David Graeber talk about debt and capital, as well as each other’s books, “Debt” and “Capital.” (The Baffler)

Unertan Syndrome is not “devolution,” and furthermore “[species], and certainly, individuals don’t ‘devolve.’” (Pacific Standard)

For anthropologists: 

The Huffington Post featured a collection of photographs of iftars from around the world – the meals that Muslim families eat to break their daily fasts. (HuffPo)

Elizabeth Kolbert wrote on how the paleo-diet came to be, why it’s trendy, and why it’s controversial. (The New Yorker)

For students in graduate school or interested in going into graduate school, Elizabeth Keenan has put together a short list of the very worst advice you could take. (Chronicle Vitae)

William Deresiewicz wrote a provocative piece on why America’s elite universities are “turning our kids into zombies.” (New Republic)

Shira Lipkin, “an American Jew of a certain age,” discussed her disillusionment with the idea of Israel as a “promised land” and as a birthright. (Salon)

Multigenerational homes are on the rise, and that’s a good thing. (Slate)

Conflating population change with migration is easy to do, and Jim Russell provided an example. (Pacific Standard)

The prevalence of HIV/AIDS is three times the national average in some parts of the Deep South. (Al Jazeera)

Camp Ramadan is a Muslim day camp in the Washington D.C. area at which kids are educated in Islamic arts and crafts. (Al Jazeera)

A new study in neuroscience corroborates what we already knew: fathers can be “maternal.” Hopefully, it’ll weigh heavily in the debate of gay rights and parenting. (New Republic)

Heavy metal is gay. (Terrorizer)

Dick Powis

Dick Powis is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis, and is also pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. His research interests include men and childbirth, prenatal screening technologies, and reproductive health in urban settings in Senegal. Read more at